Journal of Innovative Research in Social Studies
Yazarlar: ["Zafer ÇAKMAK", "Veysel YİĞEN"]
Anahtar Kelimeler:Sosyal Bilgiler Öğretmeni,T.C. İnkılap Tarihi ve Atatürkçülük Dersi,Liselere Giriş Sınavı
Özet: The practice of placing students in secondary education institutions through central exams in our country started with the exam held by Maarif Colleges in 1955 and has survived to the present day with various changes made to the system. It can be said that the high number of students who will enter secondary education and the quality differences in education and training between schools are the driving factors for implementing such systems. In the latest period, there have been rapid and sudden changes in the entrance exams for secondary education. From 1997 to 2004 LGS (High School Entrance Examination), from 2004 to 2008 OKS (Secondary Education Institutions Selection and Placement Examination), from 2008 to 2013 SBS ((Achievement) Level Determination Examination), 2014 to 2018' TEOG (Advancement from Basic Education to Secondary Education Examination) exams were applied, and lastly starting in 2018 up to this date, placements were made with the LGS (High School Entrance Exam) exam. The aim of the study is to gather the opinions of social studies teachers on how the reduced number of questions related to this subject in the last LGS influences the students’ attitude towards the Turkish Republic History of Revolution and Kemalism (Ataturkism) course. In this study, in which the views of 30 social studies teachers were taken, the descriptive survey method was used, and the data were analyzed and tabulated by the content analysis method.