Journal of Innovative Research in Social Studies
Yazarlar: ["Kamil UYGUN", "Şifa KARABULUT"]
Anahtar Kelimeler:Çevre,Çevre okuryazarlığı,Çevre eğitimi,Lisansüstü tezler
Özet: Environmental education is included in the curriculum under the name of "environmental literacy skill" in formal education. Scientific studies on this skill, which aim to raise awareness of people, are also very important. For this reason, the aim of the study is to examine the postgraduate theses on environmental literacy. In this research, which was carried out using the qualitative method, the data were collected by the document analysis technique. The study includes postgraduate theses prepared between 2012-2022. 41 postgraduate theses were included in this study. It includes postgraduate theses published in the database of the National Thesis Center of the Council of Higher Education. A search was made by typing "environmental literacy" as the search term. Postgraduate theses year, type of thesis, field of study, method, study group, data collection tool, purpose and study result. These collected data were analyzed by subjecting them to descriptive analysis. As a result of the research, it was seen that most of the postgraduate theses on environmental literacy were prepared at the graduate level, in the field of science, by student study groups and quantitative methods. In the light of the results, this research was evaluated with similar studies and suggestions were made for similar studies in different fields.