Bitlis İslamiyat Dergisi

Bitlis İslamiyat Dergisi

Osmanlı Devleti Zamanında Hac Yollarında Urban Saldırıları ve Alınan Önlemler

Yazarlar: ["Hasan YAVUZ"]

Cilt - , Sayı Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1 , 2023 , Sayfalar -



Anahtar Kelimeler:Osmanlı,Urban,Hac,Hac yolu,Surre

Özet: In this article, the works of the Ottoman Empire to ensure the safety of the pilgrimage routes are discussed. In particular, the measures taken by the state against the urban, which keeps the pilgrimage routes under constant pressure, were examined. Urban tribes have kept the pilgrimage routes under pressure throughout the history of Islam. The Islamic states, which dominate the pilgrimage routes, have done a lot of work to protect the pilgrims from urban attacks. The Ottoman Empire, which kept the long-term pilgrimage routes under its dominance, carried out different practices to prevent the attacks of the urban tribes. In order to deter the urban, security forces were present in the pilgrimage convoys and military fortresses were built to provide security on the pilgrimage route. In addition, private security forces were formed on this route. Some urban tribes were assigned different tasks and they even served in private security units. Some urban tribes also carried out the transportation of supplies and goods sent to the Hejaz. Also, the hearts of the cities were taken by giving a share from the surre. It has been seen that the urbans attacked the pilgrimage routes due to reasons such as not giving the surre on time or giving it less. Although they were given their share of the surre for some years, they also attacked the pilgrimage routes with different excuses. The Ottoman Empire took measures to prevent such events from occurring.

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