Bitig Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi

Bitig Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi

Ankara Sebze ve Meyve Hali Çalışanlarının Sahip Oldukları Sermaye Farklılıkları Üzerine Pierre Bourdieu’cü Bir Analiz

Yazarlar: ["Hasan ŞEN", "Hatice ŞEKER"]

Cilt - , Sayı Cilt: 3 Sayı: 5 , 2023 , Sayfalar -



Anahtar Kelimeler:Pierre Bourdieu,Ekonomik,Kültürel,Simgesel Sermaye,Ankara Meyve Sebze Hâli,Ayrım

Özet: Fresh vegetable and fruit markets in Turkey play an important role in the transportation of products from the producer to the market. They employ many people from many professions such as Officer, Exiter/Porter,Commissionaire/Trade Boss, Lawyer, Accountant/Municipal Staff (worker), Marketer, Truck Driver and Trader. For this reason, they are places that should be studied sociologically. On this occasion, this article deals with the economic, cultural and symbolic capital differences of the employees of Ankara Vegetable and Fruit Market. The concept of capital is defined and used in different contexts in liberal and socialist ideologies. In this study, Pierre Bourdieu's capital concepts are used. According to Bourdieu, people have different economic, cultural, social and symbolic capitals in social life. These capital differences determine socio-cultural and economic distinctions between people and can determine people's class and social positions. This study was carried out in Ankara Vegetable and Fruit Market between 2019-2022. An average of 2000 people are employed in this place. In this study, which is based on field research, the education and income status of the participants, their professions, their preferences about the sports they want to do, and their families' orientation to art were used as the main criteria to determine the distinction between them. Quantitative research design and stratified sampling technique were used in the study. The data obtained by interviewing a total of 118 people were analyzed with the S.P.S.S.(24) program. In the study, it is assumed that the participants have different economic, and cultural capitals and there are various sociological factors behind these differences.

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