Education & Youth Research

Education & Youth Research

Impact of principal instructional leadership practicies on students’ academic performanace in Zambia

Yazarlar: ["Gift MUYUNDA"]

Cilt - , Sayı Cilt: 2 Sayı: 1 , 2022 , Sayfalar -


Anahtar Kelimeler:Principal,Instructional leadership,Student academic performance,Secondary school

Özet: Notwithstanding the growing scholarly interest in the effects of principal instructional leadership on student achievement, empirical evidence in developing countries from the African context, especially Zambia, concerning the role of principal instructional leadership behavior effect on students' academic outcomes has been limited. Hence, this study examined the impact of principals' instructional leadership practices on students' educational outcomes and determined which specific instructional leadership dimensions have the most important role. A survey research design was carried out under quantitative research methodology. The sample consisted of 39 principals,190 teachers, and 345 students from low and high-performing secondary schools in Lusaka Province, Zambia. The results show that all the four instructional leadership practices are strongly associated with academic performance (defining the school mission (r (30) =0.606, P<0.01), managing of the school instructional program (r (30) =0.603, P<0.01), promoting a positive school learning climate r (30) =0.715, P<0.01) advancing teachers' interests (r (30) =0.580, P<0.01). Furthermore, this study recommends that a balanced instructional leadership by principals to enhances proper utilization of all resources to realize good performance in examinations for their schools

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