International Anatolia Academic Online Journal Health Sciences
Yazarlar: ["Deniz YILDIZ"]
Özet: Objective: Bipolar disorder (BPD) patients were determined to have shorter survival than the general population due to reasons such as early cardiovascular diseases and obesity and this causes a decrease in quality of life and an increase in healthcare costs. Considering this, we aimed to determine the MS rate and the presence of concurrent psychiatric diagnosis in BPD patients who admitted to the outpatient clinic of the Psychiatry Department of Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University Medical Faculty. Materials and Methods: Eighty euthymic patients with BPD diagnosis were included in the study. Patients were evaluated with Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, Young Mania Rating Scale and SCID I and II. The diagnosis of MS was made according to ATP III criteria. Results: While 22.2% of the patients (n=6) of 18-35 years of age had MS, MS was present in 45% of the patients (n=21) of 35 years or older. The rate of MS was significantly higher in the patients under 35 years of age compared to the patients 35 years or older (p<0.05). The SCID-I evaluation revealed that 20 of the 80 patients (25%) with the diagnosis of BPD had concurrent psychiatric diagnosis. BPD patients with concurrent psychiatric diagnosis had a higher rate of MS compared to the whole study group, while the difference was not statistically significant. Conclusion: The rate of MS was higher in BPD patients compared to the general population. BPD patients with concurrent psychiatric diagnosis had a higher rate of MS compared to the whole study group, while the difference was not statistically significant. Our results show the importance of implementing a multidisciplinary approach and investigation of MS components in BPD.