Hemşirelik Bilimi Dergisi
Yazarlar: ["Sakine BOYRAZ", "Aycan KÖK"]
Anahtar Kelimeler:Hemşirelik,Kortikosteroid,Hemşirelikte kortikosteroid tedavisi
Özet: This study was conducted with 71 nurses working at hospital in order to determine the knowledge of nurses for corticosteroid drugs and to evaluate the effect of their knowledge on the practice. This study was carried out descriptively and cross-sectionally. 74.6% of the participants are women and 49.3% are high school / associate degree graduates. It was determined that the participants did not know the physiological system of corticosteroid hormones. It was determined that as the knowledge score for corticosteroid treatment / drug increased, the application score increased significantly. The knowledge level of undergraduate/ graduate graduates among participants was found to be higher than high school/ associate degree graduates. As a result, it was determined that the nurses working in internal diseases clinics / units had insufficient knowledge of corticosteroid drug and this situation had a negative effect on the application.