International Journal of Environmental Pollution and Environmental Modelling
Yazarlar: ["Karwan Obaid HAMAD", "Sulaiman Zahid SULAİMAN", "Abdulkadir SÜRÜCÜ", "Simbarashe Rabson ANDREA"]
Anahtar Kelimeler:Environmental Pollution,Moderating Effects,Sustainable Waste Management,Tourism
Özet: Research analysing the impact of sustainable waste management and domestic tourism on environmental pollution has not been given due attention irrespective of them being clearly connected. Such examinations are instrumental for generating scientific information for minimizing environmental pollution induced by domestic tourism activities and fostering the effectiveness of sustainable waste management practices. The study uses structural equation modelling to analyse connections linking sustainable waste management and domestic tourism with environmental pollution. Examinations were conducted using questionnaire data collected from a random sample of 138 Kurdish nationals who visited Erbil Citadel, Sami Abdulrahman Park, Gali Ali Bag, Shanidar Cave and Sakura Park at the time the research was conducted, and such was done with the aid of Smart PLS. Results established from the study showed that sustainable waste management is instrumental in enhancing the effectiveness of environmental protection programs aimed at reducing environmental pollution. Additionally, sustainable waste management programs were discovered to be having positive effects on domestic tourism. On the other hand, domestic tourism had significant positive effects on environmental pollution. Lastly, the study exhibited that sustainable waste management has positive moderating effects on the relationship between domestic tourism and environmental pollution. This present study contributes significantly to existing studies as it provides suggestions needed to foster and enhance sustainable waste management by eradicating environmental pollution caused by the neglected effects of domestic tourism.