Current Perspectives on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CUPMAP)

Current Perspectives on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CUPMAP)

Contribution to the Microscopic Study of Three Plant Species (Parsley, Spanish Scolyme and White Marrube) Commonly Used in Traditional Algerian Medicine

Yazarlar: ["Sara HASSAİNE", "Nassima EL YEBDRİ", "Badria MEDJAHED", "Khawla YAZİD"]

Cilt - , Sayı Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2 , 2022 , Sayfalar -



Anahtar Kelimeler:Algerian flora,Marrubium vulgare,Petroselinum crispum,Plant anatomy,Scolymus hispanicus

Özet: The present work aims to study the anatomical characteristics of three plant species used in Algeria for their diuretic and antilithiasic properties. Also, to summarize the results obtained in detailed drawings of each part studied as well as diagrams with conventional tissue signs. Therefore, Petroselinum crispum (Mill.) Fuss (Apiaceae), Scolymus hispanicus L. (Asteraceae) and Marrubium vulgare L. (Lamiaceae) were obtained from the Tlemcen (northwestern Algeria) region. In the study, stems and leaves of P. crispum and M. vulgare, and leaves of S. hispanicus were used. Once the species was identified and examined, cross-sections were taken and stained using the double staining technique, then observed under an optical microscope. It was generally observed that the parsley leaf did not have any secretory trichomes, and the secretory duct in the midrib was located between the phloem and the lower epidermis. It was also noted that there were no secretory trichomes in the Spanish scolyme. In addition, branched covering trichomes and secretory trichomes with octacellular head were observed in the leaf of white horehound. These findings are certainly going to help enrich the rare bibliographic data available on the anatomy of these three species.

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