UMDE Dini Tetkikler Dergisi
Yazarlar: ["Bayram ÇINAR"]
Anahtar Kelimeler:Kelam,El-Esmâü’l-Hüsnâ,Allah’ın İsimleri,Marifetullah,Tevkîfî-Kıyasî
Özet: Our knowledge of God, who is completely different from others in terms of his form of existence, is limited. On the other hand, God is the central sacred figure of religion. This limited knowledge also causes some theological problems. There have been discussions about the names of Allah in the Islamic theological tradition, and different groups of theologians have taken place in different camps. The verses of the Qur’an about the names of Allah took place together with the narrations on the subject in the shaping of the Muslim tradition, but the limiting effect of the narrations made a more significant contribution compared to the guiding suggestions of the verses. A discussion of the names of God is a linguistic study before it is theological. Because naming the god, which is a naming activity, is first of all an entity-concept relationship. Therefore, the linguists’ argument that language is “tevqīfī-qiyāsī” has a decisive influence on the theologians’ thinking exercises. The basic perceptions of philologists have also been decisive in the theological orientation on the subject. Our study consists of determining from which basic assumptions the discussions of naming Allah originate, what kind of attitude Muslim theologians take in these discussions, and what are the concluding sentences obtained from the discussions.