Siyer Araştırmaları Dergisi

Siyer Araştırmaları Dergisi

Zekât Memuru Bir Sahâbî Abbâd b. Bişr b. Abdi’l-Eşhel

Yazarlar: ["Gülizar ARTUÇ"]

Cilt - , Sayı Sayı: 14 , 2023 , Sayfalar -



Anahtar Kelimeler:İslam Hukuku,İslam Tarihi,Sahâbe,Abbâd b. Bişr,Zekât

Özet: Biographical information about the sahaba, which are also included in historical sources, are important in terms of Islamic history, fiqh, tafsir, and hadith sciences. The fact that relevant biographical information is dealt with in a scattered and confused manner in the sources calls for an examination and evaluation within the scope of classifications such as personality, subject and period. In this context, Abbad b. Bishr's biography one of sahaba, is discussed. In the study firstly- it was noticed that there were two different sahaba in the name of Abbad b. Bishr- based on the lineage and kunya information, the sahaba that will be the subject has been clarified that he is Abbad b Bishr b. Abdi’l-Ashhel. In this context, different narrations have been transferred and evaluated. In the study, after information is given about Abdad b. Bishr about his lineage, kunya, family and being a Muslim, information is also given about the ghazw in which he participated. In addition, due to his duty as a zakat officer, a final chapter has been opened. In the first ranks of the Ansar, Abbad b. Bishr converted to Islam shortly before the beginning of the Medina period of Islam. From the time he met Islam to the day he passed away, he took sides with the Prophet (pbuh) for thirteen years, both by participating in ghazw and taking on duties.

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