Political Economy and Management of Education

Political Economy and Management of Education

An Evaluation of Educational Policies and its Reflection on Educatıon Within the Framework of Historical Researches Regarding the Process of Training, Selecting, and Appointment of Educational Administrators in Turkey from the Founding of the Republi

Yazarlar: ["Muhammet Furkan YILMAZ"]

Cilt - , Sayı Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2 , 2022 , Sayfalar -


Anahtar Kelimeler:Education Manager,Cultivation,Selection,Assignment

Özet: The current situation in education proves the importance of training, selection and appointment of education administrators. From the proclamation of the Republic to the present day, the importance of the issue has become increasingly strategic and political. Educational administrators have important responsibilities for a successful school and a qualified society. The way schools and education system can create added value for society is to train, select and appoint effective and qualified education administrators. For this reason, in the article, National Education Councils, Development Plans and Regulations, which were put forward during the realization of Turkey's ideal of having qualified education administrators from the Republican period until 2021, were examined in the context of education policies. In the examinations made, it was determined that the decisions taken in the National Education Councils were mostly effective in the formation of education administrator training, selection and appointment policies; In addition, it has been seen that development plans partially shape education policies. The implementation of these policies was mostly done by directives and regulations. When the directives and regulations on the subject are examined, it can be said that although the regulations change frequently, their contents do not change much and there are no significant differences between the two consecutive regulations. It can be said that the most radical changes took place in the regulations issued in 2009 and after.

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