Political Economy and Management of Education

Political Economy and Management of Education

Teacher Career Policies in Turkey from the Republic to the Present and Their Reflections on Education

Yazarlar: ["Fatih Mehmet GÜLMEZ"]

Cilt - , Sayı Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2 , 2022 , Sayfalar -


Anahtar Kelimeler:Teacher,Career,Politics

Özet: The research aims to reveal the educational policies regarding the teacher career experienced in Turkey since the foundation of the Republic and the reflections of these policies on education. Document analysis, one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the research. In this context Minutes of the Delegation-Ilmiye Meeting, National Education Councils, Policy documents such as Development Plans, Strategic Plans, vision documents, teacher strategy documents, party programs, and various legislation documents such as laws, regulations and directives regarding the implementation of these policies, and the explanations and discourses of the authorities regarding the implementations were consulted. In addition, various theses, articles, research reports, etc. written about the relevant period and subject. documents were also used. According to the research results In the context of both horizontal career and vertical career in the Turkish Education System Possibility of transition to managerial staff and inspectorship staff in school management, provincial and central organization exists. There are also specialist teacher and head teacher career steps. In this context, it is seen that many career policies have been developed for teacher careers. Although many policies have been developed in the historical process, there are problems in the healthy implementation of policies. Teacher career policies should be handled with a holistic approach, in the context of horizontal and vertical careers, with an objective, predictable, sustainable and competence-based approach.

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