Journal of Teacher Education and Lifelong Learning

Journal of Teacher Education and Lifelong Learning

Understanding Teachers’ Classroom Management Anxiety: The Role of Educational Technology Usage in Classrooms

Yazarlar: ["Osman KAYHAN"]

Cilt - , Sayı Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2 , 2022 , Sayfalar -



Anahtar Kelimeler:Educational technologies,Anxiety,Classroom management,Teacher

Özet: The current study reveals whether there is a significant relationship between the level of teachers' use of educational technologies and classroom management anxiety. In the study, Levels of Educational Technology Usage scale and Classroom Management Anxiety scale were used as data collection tools. In the results of the research, it was determined that there was a significantly weak and negative relationship between the level of teachers' use of educational technologies and their classroom management concerns. It was also inferred that the use of educational technologies explained approximately 11% of the total variance of classroom management anxiety. When the levels of teachers' use of educational technologies were examined according to the variables of gender, age, and educational status, it was determined that there was a significant difference, but no significant difference was found according to the school type variable. Additionally, when the classroom management anxiety of the teachers was examined, it was seen that there was a significant difference as per the gender variable, while there was no significant difference as per the educational status, school type and age variables.

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