International Journal of Current Approaches in Language, Education and Social Sciences
Yazarlar: ["Ali TORUN", "Şahin ORUÇ"]
Anahtar Kelimeler:Sosyal Bilgiler Öğretmenleri Veli İletişim,Sosyal Bilgiler Öğretmenleri,Veli,İletişim,Social Studies Teachers,Sosyal Bilgiler Öğretmenleri
Özet: Communication is the most important connection point of life. Communication, which acts as a bridge in the transfer of information between people, has a special importance in the strengthening and development of the bond between teacher, student and parent. In the educational activities carried out in schools, the learners take an active role in the process of informing the parents about the status and development of the student. The fact that the teacher's communication skills are developed in the communication established by the teacher with the parents will eliminate the communication barriers that they may experience with the parents. The communication with the teacher has an important place in affecting the parents' thoughts in the attitude of the parents towards the teacher and the school. Considering that the Social Studies Teachers are adequately equipped in communication, it has been wondered what they care about in their communication with the parents and what information they convey about the students. With the research, it was tried to reveal the skills of Social Studies Teachers in communication with parents. In the research, 322 Social Studies Teachers working in secondary schools in Istanbul were reached and the teacher-parent communication scale was applied. In our article produced from the master's thesis, we can say that Social Studies Teachers are successful in parent communication skills. It is valuable for teacher candidates studying in the field of Social Studies and all officials who communicate with parents to examine the results of the research, as they contribute to their professional development.