Eurasian Journal of Anthropology

Eurasian Journal of Anthropology

Development of obesity over four decades among North Indian females

Yazarlar: Satwanti KAPOOR, Rashmi SİNHA, Kajri TANDON, Shilpi GUPTA, Prema BHASİN, Deepali VERMA, Meenal DHALL

Cilt 4 , Sayı 1 , 2013 , Sayfalar 16 - 22


Anahtar Kelimeler:Obesity,Socio-economic status,Geography,North India

Özet: The aim of the present study was to analyze temporal trends in general obesity and regional obesity from 1978 to 2010 according to various obesity markers. Data was obtained from four cross-sectional studies of diverse ethnic and geographic milieus conducted independently. Data was analyzed to derive mean and standard deviation of the subjects in two age group 18-19 years and 20-45 years for various obesity markers like body mass index (BMI), grand mean thickness (GMT), waist-hip ratio (WHR) and waist height ratio (WHtR). Student t-test was used to reveal the significance of the change in various parameters over time. From 1978 to 2010, BMI increased significantly among the North Indian females and, indeed, at an alarming magnitude in both age groups in the latest population. This trend was similar for almost all obesity markers regardless of age. The drop across these trend lines over time can be attributed to subtle differences in socioeconomic status, ethnic disparities, rural-urban differences or variations in geographic regions. Identifying women, who are at greater risk for weight gain, may help target and design interventions to prevent weight gain in women, the procreator which may also be associated with health complications of their children. 

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@article{2013, title={Development of obesity over four decades among North Indian females}, volume={4}, number={1}, publisher={Eurasian Journal of Anthropology}, author={Satwanti KAPOOR,Rashmi SİNHA,Kajri TANDON,Shilpi GUPTA,Prema BHASİN,Deepali VERMA,Meenal DHALL}, year={2013}, pages={16–22} }
Satwanti KAPOOR,Rashmi SİNHA,Kajri TANDON,Shilpi GUPTA,Prema BHASİN,Deepali VERMA,Meenal DHALL. (2013). Development of obesity over four decades among North Indian females (Vol. 4, pp. 16–22). Vol. 4, pp. 16–22. Eurasian Journal of Anthropology.
Satwanti KAPOOR,Rashmi SİNHA,Kajri TANDON,Shilpi GUPTA,Prema BHASİN,Deepali VERMA,Meenal DHALL. Development of Obesity over Four Decades among North Indian Females. no. 1, Eurasian Journal of Anthropology, 2013, pp. 16–22.