Eurasian Journal of Anthropology

Eurasian Journal of Anthropology

Gender differences in nutritional status among the adult Meiteis of Cachar district of Assam, India

Yazarlar: A. F. Gulenur İslam BARBHUİYA, Rekha DAS

Cilt 4 , Sayı 2 , 2013 , Sayfalar 36 - 44


Anahtar Kelimeler:Adult,Sex,Age group,Educational status,Income category

Özet: The present paper intends to study the gender differences in nutritional status with reference to age, education and family income. The data have been collected by household census method and nutritional anthropometry among 264 adult Meiteis (123 males, and 141 females) of 20 to 79 years age of Cachar District of Assam, India. The study reveals that more than 30 percentage of the populations are suffering from chronic energy deficiency (CED) malnutrition (males=27.6%, females=33.3%) while more than 7 percentage of the adults are battling with over-nutrition (males=8.1%, females=6.4%). Chi-square test doesn’t show any significant (P=0.356) difference in nutritional status between males and females. Although slight positive association exists between body mass index (BMI) and age (rxy=0.056) but BMI of the adult Meiteis show significant positive association with year of schooling (rxy=0.143, P<0.05) and annual family income (rxy=0.215, P<0.01).

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@article{2013, title={Gender differences in nutritional status among the adult Meiteis of Cachar district of Assam, India}, volume={4}, number={2}, publisher={Eurasian Journal of Anthropology}, author={A. F. Gulenur İslam BARBHUİYA,Rekha DAS}, year={2013}, pages={36–44} }
A. F. Gulenur İslam BARBHUİYA,Rekha DAS. (2013). Gender differences in nutritional status among the adult Meiteis of Cachar district of Assam, India (Vol. 4, pp. 36–44). Vol. 4, pp. 36–44. Eurasian Journal of Anthropology.
A. F. Gulenur İslam BARBHUİYA,Rekha DAS. Gender Differences in Nutritional Status among the Adult Meiteis of Cachar District of Assam, India. no. 2, Eurasian Journal of Anthropology, 2013, pp. 36–44.