Turkish Veterinary Journal

Turkish Veterinary Journal

Modifiye U-synch Protokolü ile Mevsim Dışı Senkronize Edilen Akkaraman Kangal Irkı Prepubertal Kuzu ve Primipar Koyunlara GnRH ve hCG Uygulamalarının Fertilite Üzerine Etkisi

Yazarlar: Abdurrahman TAKCI

Cilt 1 , Sayı 2 , 2019 , Sayfalar 60 - 68

Konular:Veteriner Hekimlik

Anahtar Kelimeler:Akkaraman,Anestrus,Kangal,Prepubertal,Sheep

Özet: Sheep are seasonally polyestrous. Our native genetic source Akkaraman-Kangal breed sheep show sexual activity only in breeding season (months of fall) throught year too. Diffirent induction methods are needed to produce lamb out of breeding season). For this purpose, the study conducted on 3 groups which involve 15 prepubertal ewe lamb (10-14 months of age) and 10 primiparous ewe (55-70 days of postpartum) in deep anestrous (may-june). Each group was recieved 100 µg gonadorelin diacetate tetrahydrate (GnRH) together with progestrone including sponge (20 mg flugeston acetate). Sponge was out 7 days (7th Day) later following 131,5 µg PGF2α and 600 IU eCG injection.  100 µg gonadorelin diacetate tetrahydrate (GnRH), 600 IU hCG and 2 ml sterile saline solution was injected to group 1, 2 and 3 respectively at the 56th hour following sponge out. Ram were introduced to the groups for 5 days after injection (between 10-15th days). Progestrone levels, Estrous and pregnancy rate were evaluted. Significant diffirences was not observed between groups. Reproductive efficiency of the modified U-synch method found to be smilar in prepubertal ewe lambs and primiparous ewes.  In conclusion, it was determined that a reasonable pregnancy rate can be achieved with modified U-synch method in Akkaraman-Kangal prepubertal ewe lambs and primiparous ewes.

Atıf Yapan Eserler
Henüz Atıf Yapılmamıştır

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Abdurrahman TAKCI. (2019). Modifiye U-synch Protokolü ile Mevsim Dışı Senkronize Edilen Akkaraman Kangal Irkı Prepubertal Kuzu ve Primipar Koyunlara GnRH ve hCG Uygulamalarının Fertilite Üzerine Etkisi (Vol. 1, pp. 60–68). Vol. 1, pp. 60–68. Turkish Veterinary Journal.
Abdurrahman TAKCI. Modifiye U-Synch Protokolü Ile Mevsim Dışı Senkronize Edilen Akkaraman Kangal Irkı Prepubertal Kuzu ve Primipar Koyunlara GnRH ve HCG Uygulamalarının Fertilite Üzerine Etkisi. no. 2, Turkish Veterinary Journal, 2019, pp. 60–68.