Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Educational Study
Yazarlar: ["Rezky Fauziah HMZ"]
Anahtar Kelimeler:Bugis Folklore,Literature,Learning Materials
Özet: The purpose of this study is to describe the meaning in Bugis folklore and its contribution to literary learning materials at SMAN. This research uses a case study qualitative descriptive research type. The data presented in the form of a description are analyzed using the theory of Semiotics of Charles Sanders Pierce and its contribution to learning Indonesian. This research focuses on icons, indices, and symbols in Bugis folklore. This study uses a qualitative research design that collects, manages, reduces, analyzes, and presents data objectively or according to facts. The results showed that Bugis folklore such as "The Fool", "Lapettu Galanna", "The Patient Nakoda's Wife", "La Pallaonruma" and "The Hypocrite To His Friends". These five Bugis folk tales are relevant and can be used as literature teaching materials in class X SMA according to KD (Basic competencies). 4.7 Retell the contents of folklore texts that are heard and read, taking into account aspects of language, psychology, and cultural background.