Yazarlar: ["Marco Antonio Vera Flores", "Sonia Bass Zavala"]
Anahtar Kelimeler:Public policies,Harmonization of policies,Land-use planning,Metropolitan Zones of Hidalgo.
Özet: The purpose of this article is to analyze the instruments that enable territorial management at the municipal level and the degree to which they are implemented by municipal officials in charge of implementing urban development policies. An interpretative review of the instruments according to the National Census of Municipal Governments and Territorial Districts of the state of Hidalgo, and the application of a questionnaire directed to municipal officials in charge of urban management, was carried out with the reference of a theoretical framework focused on the concept of harmonization aimed at mechanisms directed at public policies aimed at territorial planning. The methodology applied is a documentary review and descriptive statistics to analyze the questionnaires. As a result, it is observed that the officials in charge of urban and land use planning in eight of the 15 municipalities studied do not know the tools required for land management and do not have technical training in urban planning, which limits their ability to apply the instruments in reality. It is concluded that there is limited use of land management mechanisms and a lack of knowledge on the part of public officials in implementing them in their municipalities.