Black Sea Journal of Public and Social Science

Black Sea Journal of Public and Social Science

Perception Management In Turkish Cinema: Kurtlar Vadisi Irak Example

Yazarlar: Çağdaş GÖKBEL

Cilt 1 , Sayı 1 , 2018 , Sayfalar 30 - 36


Anahtar Kelimeler:Perception Management,Kurtlar Vadisi Iraq,Turkish Military

Özet: Following the operation of US Soldiers in Suleymaniyah,Iraq on July 4th 2003, troops which are affiliated to Turkish Special Forces were taken into custody with sacks covering their heads. This incident and what was happened after has caused the Turkish public from every politically different side to wholly stand up and react greatly. This study deals with the reflection of the sack incident in Iraq to Turkish cinema. The film 'Kurtlar Vadisi Irak' which hit the theaters three years after the Suleymaniye scandal (3 February 2006) caused intense debate in the public and was welcomed by the audience. The film starts with a reference to the sack incident and mainly work around this subject and ends with the protagonist Polat Alemdar teaching a lesson to Americans on behalf of Turkish people. From this point on, the main purpose of this study is to anaylze the accomplishment attempt of such perception management within this film. The film’s content was investigated in the direction of this main purpose. The results of the analysis of the content of the film indicates that the film was used as an effective perception management tool and that it was willingly fictionalized toc onstruct a perception in Turkish people as in “ Turkey has taken his revenge against US”.

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@article{2018, title={Perception Management In Turkish Cinema: Kurtlar Vadisi Irak Example}, volume={1}, number={1}, publisher={Black Sea Journal of Public and Social Science}, author={Çağdaş GÖKBEL}, year={2018}, pages={30–36} }
Çağdaş GÖKBEL. (2018). Perception Management In Turkish Cinema: Kurtlar Vadisi Irak Example (Vol. 1, pp. 30–36). Vol. 1, pp. 30–36. Black Sea Journal of Public and Social Science.
Çağdaş GÖKBEL. Perception Management In Turkish Cinema: Kurtlar Vadisi Irak Example. no. 1, Black Sea Journal of Public and Social Science, 2018, pp. 30–36.