Black Sea Journal of Public and Social Science

Black Sea Journal of Public and Social Science

Job Burnout and Social Problem Solving Skills at School of Foreign Languages

Yazarlar: Ömer Gökhan Ulum

Cilt 2 , Sayı 1 , 2019 , Sayfalar 16 - 25


Anahtar Kelimeler:Problem,Social problem solving,Job,Job burnout,EFL,EFL instructors

Özet: Problem is a matter or situation regarded as unwelcome or harmful and needing to be dealt with and overcome− as defined by Oxford Online Dictionary. When it comes to social problem solving, it is a way of problem solving when a problem emerges in the natural setting. We can correlate social problem solving skills with occupational burnout states of instructors of English as a Foreign Language. Therefore, this study inquired the relationship between social problem solving skills and occupational burnout states of EFL instructors. Based upon a descriptive research design, this quantitative study aimed at understanding the views of EFL instructors related to their social problem solving skills and occupational burnout states. The sample of the study consists of 116 EFL instructors from diverse universities in Turkey. The picture drawn by the study has shown that those equipped with social problem solving skills do not easily suffer from occupational burnout. The study will make valuable contributions to the related fields of study.

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@article{2019, title={Job Burnout and Social Problem Solving Skills at School of Foreign Languages}, volume={2}, number={1}, publisher={Black Sea Journal of Public and Social Science}, author={Ömer Gökhan Ulum}, year={2019}, pages={16–25} }
Ömer Gökhan Ulum. (2019). Job Burnout and Social Problem Solving Skills at School of Foreign Languages (Vol. 2, pp. 16–25). Vol. 2, pp. 16–25. Black Sea Journal of Public and Social Science.
Ömer Gökhan Ulum. Job Burnout and Social Problem Solving Skills at School of Foreign Languages. no. 1, Black Sea Journal of Public and Social Science, 2019, pp. 16–25.