International Journal of Global Education
Yazarlar: ["Hakan ÜLPER"]
Anahtar Kelimeler:-
Özet: There have been debates, on grammar teaching in the literature for a long time. In these debates it has been argued that the students to learn the grammars by themselves on the one hand, and on the other hand, it has been claimed that the students could not learn the grammar by themselves and therefore it should be taught in the lessons. In this debate, among those who argue that grammar should be taught, there is also a debate about how grammar should be taught. According to this debate, one group supports teaching grammar in a separately pre-planned manner, while the other group supports that the grammar should be taught in a communicational context when it is appropriate. As a result of these discussions in the literature, we have come across different grammar teaching styles. These are meaning-focused grammar teaching, form-focused grammar teaching, and traditional grammar teaching. Each learning/teaching style has its own weaknesses and strengths. In this respect, it becomes important to determine students’ tendencies and opinions towards grammar learning. This study aims to develop a measurement tool to determine students' tendencies towards grammar learning styles. In this context, a draft scale was prepared, the content validity, reliability, and distinctiveness of the items in the scale were examined by consulting experts, and the factor structure of this draft scale and whether this structure was verified was determined. Thus, a valid and reliable measurement tool was obtained to determine students' grammar learning tendencies.
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