Eurasian Journal of Soil Science
Yazarlar: Füsun GÜLSER, Ferit SÖNMEZ
Anahtar Kelimeler:Pepper seedling,Peat,Cadmium,Potassium,Plant growth
Özet: Effects of cadmium applications on plant growth and potassium contents of pepper seedlings were investigated in different mixtures of soil:peat ratios. This study was conducted with three different levels of Cd (Cd0=0, Cd1=2.5 and Cd2=5.0 ppm) and three different ratios of soil:peat (Pt0=soil:no peat, Pt10=soil:10% peat and Pt20=soil:20% peat) in a factorial experimental design with three replications. K contents of shoots and some criteria of pepper seedlings such as; shoot and root dry weights were significantly influenced with the soil:peat ratios. Interactions between soil:peat ratio and Cd significantly affected shoot and root dry weights and K contents of pepper seedlings. Application of 20% peat ratio significantly increased shoot dry weight. Mean root dryweights decreased with increasing Cd dose applications. The highest (7.0%) and the lowest (4.1%) K contents in shoots were determined in Pt20Cd2 and Pt0Cd2 applications, respectively. On the other hand, the highest (3.27%) and the lowest (2.12%) K contents in roots were determined in Pt0Cd2 and Pt20Cd0 applications, respectively. Mean Cd contentents in shoots were also significantly reduced with increasing K contents of shoots, especially in the mixture of soil:20% peat ratio.