Eurasian Journal of Soil Science
Yazarlar: Nutullah ÖZDEMİR, Elif ÖZTÜRK, Ö.tebessüm Kop DURMUŞ, İmanverdi EKBERLİ
Anahtar Kelimeler:Structural stability,Productivity,Polyacrylamide,Zeolit,Biosolid,Lime
Özet: The objective of the present investigation is to find out the effect of incorporating of various organic and inorganic matter sources such as lime (L), zeolit (Z), polyacrylamide (PAM) and biosolid (BS) on the instability index. A bulk surface (0–20 cm depth) soil sample was taken from Samsun, in northern part of Turkey. Some soil properties were determined as follows; fine in texture, modarete in organic matter content, low in pH and free of alkaline problem. The soil samples were treated with the inorganic and organic materials at four different levels including the control treatments in a randomized factorial block design. The soil samples were incubated for ten weeks. After the incubation period, corn was grown in all pots. The results can be summarized as organic and inorganic matter treatments increased structure stability and decreased soil erodibility. Effectiveness of the treatments varied depending on the types and levels of organic and inorganic materials.
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