International Journal of Global Education
Yazarlar: Elena Bonchis, Delia Birle, Rosana Stan, Monica Secui
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Özet: The migration of the workforce has constantly grown in the past decade. In UNICEF’s and Alternative Social Association’s reports it is shown that in 2008, in Romania 350 000 children had one of their parents gone and 126 000 had both of their parents gone off to work elsewhere. The participants to this study were 40 children, aged 9-10, who had in that time one or both parents at work, abroad. Randomly, they were grouped in intervention group and control group. The intervention activities focused on self-knowledge, strengths, self-esteem, social skills, emotional and behavioral control. Significant results were found, on different dimensions. Implications of the study will be discussed Keywords: psychological intervention, social and emotional development, children, parents left to work abroad REFERENCES Bernard, M. E. (2006). It’s time we teach social-emotional competence as well as we teach academic competence. Reading & Writing Quarterly, 22,103–119. Bonchiş, E. (coord) (2010). Impactul parentingului incomplet asupra dezvoltării soci-emoţionale a copilului şi adolescentului: modalităşi de intervenţie psiho-educaţională. Ghid pentru cadre didactice, Editura Universităţii din Oradea, Oradea. Bonchiş, E., Bîrle, D., & Roman, D. (2010). Behavioral and self-control problems in the case of adolescents in the situation of incomplete parenting, Analele Universităţii din Oradea, Fascicula Psihologie, Vol.XVIII, 95-104. Bonchiş, E., Bîrle, D.,& Stan, R. (2010). Parenting incomplet: Impactul asupra stimei de sine la copii. Revista de Psihologie şcolară. Ellis, A., & Bernard, E. M. (2007). Terapia Raţional Emotivă şi Comportamentală în tulburările copilului şi adolescentului: Teorie, Practică şi cercetare, Editura RTS, Cluj-Napoca. Fischer, J., & Corcoran, K. (1994). Measures for clinical practice. a sourcebook. Volume 1.Couples, Families and Children. New York: The Free Press. Secui, M., Dindelegan, C., & Roman, D. (2010). Probleme de internalizare la adolescenţii cu părinţi plecaţi la muncă în străinătate, în Revista de Psihologie Şcolară, Editura Universităţii din Oradea Vol.III, Nr. 5, ISSN:1844 – 1815, 47-61. Trip, S. (2007). Educaţie raţional emotivă şi comportamentală: Formarea deprinderilor de gândire raţională la copii şi adolescenţi, Editura Universităţii din Oradea. Vernon, A. (1998b). The passport program: A journey through emotional, social, cognitive, and self-development, grades 1-5. Champaign, IL: Research Press.