International Journal of Global Education
Yazarlar: Kenneth F. Lockette
Anahtar Kelimeler:-
Özet: Although Chinese educational reform has focused on creativity and innovation for over a decade, the transfer of educational philosophy to practice has not yet occurred. Creative industries in China are still seen as imitative. The main barrier for Chinese students becoming more creative and innovativemay be the culture itself, which is modeled after Confucian philosophy and does not allow secondary students to act divergently or question any authority. In spite of sparse success in transforming education to focus on more student-centered approaches, the Chinese government still seeks to develop their creative industries through education reform away from test-focused, rote instruction to student-centered creative practices. Keywords: education reform, Creativity, Chine References BBC Monitoring Asia Pacific. (2010)wire feed. Speech by PRC President Hu Jintao at National Education Work Conference in Beijing July 13, 2010. Campbell, A., & Hu, X. (2010) Professional experience reform in China: key issues and challenges. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 38(3), 235-248.doi: 10.108/1359866X.2010.494004 Chan, D. &Lai-kwan, C. (1999) Implicit theories of creativity: teachers’ perception of studentcharacteristics in Hong Kong. Creativity Research Journal, 12(5), 185-195. Chinese leaders launch new innovation drive. (2012)Oxford Analytica.Retrieved from Dello-Iacovo, B. (2009) Curriculum reform and “Quality Education” in China: An overview. International Journal of Educational Development, 29, 241-249.doi:10.1016/j.ijedudev.2008.02.008 Gu, M. (2010) A Blueprint for educational development in China: a review of the “National Guidelines for medium- and long-term educational reform and development (210-2020).” Education China, 5(3), 291-309.doi: 10.1007/s11516-010-0101-3 Ho, D.Y.F., & Ho, R. T. H. (2008) Knowledge is a dangerous thing: Authority relations, ideological conservatism, and creativity in Confucian-heritage cultures. Journal for the Theory of Behavior 38(1), 67-86. Lai, M. (2011) Teacher development under curriculum reform: a case study of a secondaryschool in mainland China. International Review Education, 56,613-631.doi: 10.1007/s11159-010-9181-9 Li, W. (2008)Creative Industries are Changing China. Beijing: Xinhua Press Li, W. (2011)How Creativity is Changing China. London, UK: Bloomsbury Academic. Liu, Y., & Dunne, M. (2009) Educational reform in China: tensions in national policy and local practice. Comparative Education, 45(4), 461-476.Doi: 10.1080/03050060903391594 Ng, A. K. (2001)Why Asians are less creative than Westerners.Singapore: Prentice Hall. Ng, A. K. (2003) A cultural model of creativity and conforming behavior.Creativity Research Journal, 15(2-3), 223-233. Niu, W., & Sternberg, R. (2003) Societal and school influences on student creativity: the case of China. Psychology in the Schools 40(1), 103-114.doi: 10.1002/pits.10072 Preus, B. (2007) Educational trends in China and the United States: proverbial pendulum or potential for balance? Phi Delta Kappan, 115-118. doi: 10.1111/1467-8705.0035 Rong, X., & Shi, T. (2001) Inequality in Chinese education. Journal of Contemporary China, 10(26), 107-124.doi: 10.1080/10670560020029110 Rudowicz, E., &Yue, X. D. (2000) Concepts of creativity: Similarity and differences among mainland, Hong Kong, and Taiwanese Chinese. Journal of Creative Behavior, 34, 175-192. Sargent, T. (2009) Revolutionizing ritual interaction in the classroom: constructing the Chinese renaissance of the twenty-first century.Modern China, 35(6), 632-661.doi: 10.1177/0097700409338001 Shi, X., &Englert, P. (2008) Reform of teacher education in China.Journal of Education for Teaching, 34(4), 347-359.doi:10.1080/02607470802401537 Sinha, K. (2008)China’s creative imperative: How creativity is transforming society and business in China. Singapore: John Wiley and Sons. Vong, K. (2008) Developing creativity and promoting social harmony: the relationship between government, school and parents’ perceptions of children’s creativity in Macao-SAR in China. Early Years, 28(2), 149-158.doi: 10.1080/0957140802065599 Yao, X., Yang, Q., Dong, N., & Wang, L. (2010) Moderating effect of Zhong Yong on the relationship between creativity and innovation behavior. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 13, 53-57.doi: 10.111/j.1467-839X.2010.01300.x Yu, W. (2003) A survey of teaching reform in the national curriculum reform pilot project areas. JiaoyuYanjiu, 11, 41. Yue, X. D., &Rudowicz, E. (2002) Perception of the most creative Chinese by undergraduates in Beijing, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, and Taipei. Journal of Creative Behavior36, 88-104. Zhou, Y. (2008) What knowledge has the most worth? The Education Digest.50-52. Zhou, Y. (2009) Catching Up or Leading the Way. Alexandria, VA: ASCD. Zhou, Y. (2012) World Class Learners: Educating Creative and Entrepreneurial Students. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.