International Journal of Global Education
Yazarlar: Canan Aydınbek
Anahtar Kelimeler:-
Özet: The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of awareness about anaphora and conjunctions on reading skills of French learners studying at Anadolu University, French Language Teaching Department. The participants are 9 sophomores taking Advanced Reading-Writing course. Their level is intermediate (B1). The pretest-posttest model was applied and the scores before and after the application were compared. The duration of the study was 4 weeks, 3 hours per week. Moreover, in order to determine reading difficulties of the learners and to clarify their views on the benefits of the application, they were given a questionnaire. According to the comparison of pretest-posttest results, pretest results were found higher. This means the application had no considerable effect on the understanding of the text. The results of the questionnaire indicated on the other hand, that the most problematic subjects are vocabulary, idioms and proverbs, and the textual cohesion doesn’t cause problems.According to 66% of the participants, the awareness of co-referential items help understand the text. 88.8% of them stated that they found the application beneficial. As a result, the applicants think that learning cohesion items help them comprehend the text. Keywords: Teaching Reading skills, cohesion, reading difficulties, French language teaching. REFERENCES Adam, J.-M. (1999).Linguistique Textuelle, des Genres de Discours aux Textes. Paris : Nathan. Cornaire, C. (1999).Le Point sur la Lecture. Paris : CLE International. Favart, M. et L. Chanquoy (2007). Les Marques de Cohésion Comme Outils Privilégiés de la Textualisation : une Comparaison Entre Elèves de CM2 et Adultes Experts, Langue Française, 155, 51-68. Gülmez, G. (1989). Metin Dilbilgisi ve Yabancı Dil Öğretiminde Metinsel Tutarlık. Anadolu Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 2 (2), 61-87. Halliday, M.A.K. andR. Hasan (1976).Cohesion in English, New York : Longman. Maingueneau, D. (1996). Les Termes Clés de l’Analyse du Discours. Paris : Seuil Maingueneau, D. (2002). Article “texte”, Dictionnaired’analysedudiscours. P. Charaudeau et D. Maingueneau (sous la dir.). Paris : ÉditionsduSeuil, 570-572. Moirand, S. (1990).Une Grammaire des Textes et des Dialogues. Paris : Hachette. Özçelebi, H. (2008). Grammaire Textuelle et Analyse du Discours : Méthodes de Lecture Pour les Textes Non-littéraires dans l’Enseignement du FLE. Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Fransız Dili Eğitimi A.B.D., Yayınlanmış DoktoraTezi. Van Dijk, T. A. (1973). Grammaire Textuelle et Structures Narratives. Sémiotique Narrative et Textuelle, Paris : Larousse, 177-207.