International Journal of Global Education

International Journal of Global Education


Yazarlar: Sevde Uylaş, Habibe Yalçın, Aulia Pandamsari, Allen Scarboro

Cilt 3 , Sayı 1 , 2014 , Sayfalar -


Anahtar Kelimeler:-

Özet: This study explores gender’s role in play activity in Turkey. We examine the kinds, locations, contexts, strategies for conflict resolution and the perceptions of justice in child’s play.  Gender and age differences in play activity are well documented worldwide. This study explores in Istanbul the findings in an American context of Carol Gilligan (1982; rev. 1993) and others regarding gender differences in children’s differential sense of justice.  Survey questionnaires were administered to 421 people over the age of 18 Istanbul, asking respondents to reflect on their childhood play experiences at two ages (6 and 16). Gender and other variables were found to be associated with differences in play locale, size and composition of play groups, levels of supervision, organized vs. non-organized play, strategies for conflict resolution, and standards of justice applied to conflict situations. References   Belsky, Jay and Russell A. Isabella. 1985. “Marital and Parent-Child Relationships in Family of Origin and Marital Change Following the Birth of a Baby: A Retrospective Analysis.” Family Development and the Child 56(2): 342-349. Bergen, Doris. 2002. “The Role of Pretend Play in Children's Cognitive Development.” Early Childhood Research and Practice 4(4): np. Cannella, Gaile Sloan. 1997. “Deconstructing Early Childhood Education: Social Justice and Revolution.” Rethinking Childhood, Vol. 2.  ERIC Number: ED415027. Retrieved 12 September 2013. Carter, D. Bruce and Gary D. Levy. 1988. “Cognitive Aspects of Early Sex-Role Development: The Influence of Gender Schemas on Preschooler’s Memories and Preferences for Sex-Typed Toys and Activities.” Child Development 59(3): 782-792. Crick, Nicki R. and Jennifer K. Gropeter.  1995. “Relational Aggression, Gender, and Social-Psychological Adjustment.” Child Development 66(3): 710-722. Eisenberg-Berg, Nancy and Paul Mussen. 1978. “Empathy and Moral Development in Adolescence.”  Developmental Psychology 14(2): 185-186. Gibbons, Sandra, Vicki Ebbeck and Maureen R. Weiss. 1995. “Fair Play for Kids: Effects on the Moral Development of Children in Physical Education.” Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport 66(3): 247-255. Gilligan, Carol. 1982. Rev. ed. 1993.  In a Different Voice: Psychological Theory and Women's Development. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Göncü, A. 1993. “Development of Intersubjectivity in Social Pretend Play.” Human Development 36: 185-198. Kohlberg, Lawrence. 1981. The Philosophy of Moral Development: Moral Stages and the Idea of Justice (Essays on Moral Development, Volume 1). New York: Harper and Row. Leaper, Campbell. 2000. “Gender, Affiliation, Assertion and the Interactive Context of Parent-Child Play.”  Developmental Psychology 36(3): 381-393. Lindsey, Eric W. and Jacquelyn Mize. 2001. “Contextual Differences in Parent-Child Play: Implications for Children’s Gender Role Development.” Sex Roles 44(3-4): 155-176. Martin, Carol Lynn and Diane Ruble. 2004. “Children’s Search for Gender Cues: Cognitive Perspectives on Gender Development.”  Current Directions in Psychological Science 13(2): 67-70. Mead, George Herbert. 1964. On Social Psychology: Selected Papers (Heritage of Sociology Series).  Ed. Anselm Strauss. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Nucci, Larry P. and Maria Santiago Nucci. 1982. “Children’s Responses to Moral and Social Conventional Transgressions in Free-Play Settings.” Child Development 53(5): 1337-1342. Paley, Vivian Gussin. 1986.  Boys and Girls: Superheroes in the Doll Corner. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. _____. 2000. The Kindness of Children.  Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Pellegrini, A. D. and Smith, P. K. (1998), “Physical Activity Play: The Nature and Function of a Neglected Aspect of Play.” Child Development 69: 577–598. Piaget, Jean. 1997. The Moral Judgement of the Child. New York: Simon and Schuster. _____.  2001. The Psychology of Intelligence. 2nd Ed. New York: Rutledge. Piaget, Jean and Barbel Inhelder. 1969. The Psychology of the Child. New York: Basic Books. Ostrov, Jamie M. and Caroline F. Keating.  2004. “Gender Differences in Preschool Aggression during Free Play and Structured Interactions: An Observational Study.” Social Development 13(2): 255-277. Rose, Amanda J. and Karen D. Rudolph. 2006. “A Review of Sex Differences in Peer Relationship Processes: Potential Trade-offs for the Emotional and Behavioral Development of Girls and Boys.” Psychological Bulletin 132(1): 98-131. Thorne, Barrie. 1993. Girls and Boys in School. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press. Vygotsky, L. S. 1967. “Play and Its Role in the Mental Development of the Child.”  Journal of Russian and East European Psychology 5(3): 6-18.

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@article{2014, title={“CAN FATMA COME OUT AND PLAY?” GENDER AND PLAY IN ISTANBUL}, volume={3}, number={0}, publisher={International Journal of Global Education}, author={Sevde Uylaş, Habibe Yalçın, Aulia Pandamsari, Allen Scarboro}, year={2014} }
Sevde Uylaş, Habibe Yalçın, Aulia Pandamsari, Allen Scarboro. (2014). “CAN FATMA COME OUT AND PLAY?” GENDER AND PLAY IN ISTANBUL (Vol. 3). Vol. 3. International Journal of Global Education.
Sevde Uylaş, Habibe Yalçın, Aulia Pandamsari, Allen Scarboro. “CAN FATMA COME OUT AND PLAY?” GENDER AND PLAY IN ISTANBUL. no. 0, International Journal of Global Education, 2014.