International Journal of Global Education
Yazarlar: Yousef Ogla Almarshad
Anahtar Kelimeler:-
Özet: Scientific progress, technology and the population explosion have led to the knowledge, accumulation, fast transferee of it and the increase of individual educational ambitions. This formed many pressures on the educational institutions to provide education with high efficiency for the increasing numbers of students with low possible costs. It has become for the educational process new prospects and fields that are because of the stunning challenges derived from the needs of the epoch and the development necessities, which target the education and its style. All these are for meeting its excessive increase in preparing the students and education demanders, which require educational institutions with specification that receives these huge numbers of students. Furthermore, the knowledge is in excessive increase where the available time in classes will not be able to absorb that increase. This increase requires using the technology in the educational process, especially in the English language. Keywords: Scientific Progress, Technology, Population Explosion References Arthur, G. (1972). Kennedy: A history of English language. Bachman, L. F. (2004). Statistical analyses for language assessment. Cambridge: University Press. Helmut, G., & Schwartz, H. (1972). A history of English syntax (New York). Weliver, P. W. (1968). Television instruction and the attainment of objective for ninth grade physical science course. Journal of Research in Science Teaching. Wood-David, J. (1999). Aspects of video moved English teaching. Japan.