Yazarlar: Ertan DÜZGÜNEŞ
Anahtar Kelimeler:Nature conservation,Geology,Geopark,Geotourism
Özet: Geological formations are the common heritage of world history that establishes the link between past, present and future. Rocks, minerals, fossils, geomorphology and soil are integral parts of nature. While geological formations deeply affect the cultural diversity of civilizations, they provide important data in understanding the world heritage. It stores information on natural disasters such as soil formation, desertification, earthquake, flood, erosion, volcanic activity, and all kinds of problems that have occurred about plant and animal species. Therefore, they play a key role in presenting today's problems and projections for the future. Geopark areas, which exist in these areas and exhibit unique geological and geomorphological structures, are important protection structures evaluated by visitors on a global scale. Today, geoparks, that considered as geotourism destinations with their natural and cultural resource values, allow touristic activities on the one hand, and on the other hand, have an educational feature that transfers the information from past to present. In this study, the global importance of geoparks and their contribution to nature conservation are examined.