Uluslararası Mühendislik Tasarım ve Teknoloji Dergisi
Yazarlar: Selim TAŞKAYA, Semih TAŞKAYA
Anahtar Kelimeler:Multi-storey structure,ANSYS Workbench,Dimension,Prototype
Özet: In this study, the model structure that is formed by using Workbench module of ANSYS package software of coordinate systems under the name of multi-storey structures was designed as 3D dimension. Concrete mixture was selected as the element type of the 3D model structure. Model prototype was created by measuring distance dependent with 16 coordinate points. Mesh segmentation was applied to the 3D multi-storey structure model, and 75 N/mm2 load and 32.174 ft/sn2 acceleration motion were applied to the carrier systems. In the prototype results, deformation and vector transition analyzes between the model groups were compared with the mechanical data. It was observed that the stresses occurring in the multi-storey structure model of the coordinate measuring points increased at the beam joints. It was investigated that prototype oriented deformations produced a stress on the carrier beam legs in the y axis towards the stable center of gravity.
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