Asian Pacific Journal of Health Sciences
Yazarlar: U.N. Reddy, M A Umran Khan, Sadiqua Anjum, Mohd. Nasirmohiuddin, S Pratap Rao, J. Narsing Rao, Sana Afreen
Anahtar Kelimeler:PEFR Hyderabad urban children,Age,Weight,Height,PEFR height nomograms
Özet: Introduction: Peak Expiratory flow rate (PEFR) is an important measure of lung function in obstructive airway diseases. The values of PEFR vary with ethnicity and geographical areas as well as age, sex and height. Bronchial asthma is a common entity in childhood respiratory illness but unlike adults regional data regarding PEFR is missing with very few studies done in Hyderabad. Thus this study was designed to determine PEFR in urban children of Hyderabad and correlate it with their age, sex and height. Materials and methods: 2200 children of age 8- 18months were subjected to PEFR measurement and their anthropometry was recorded. PEFR measurement was done using wright’s peak flow meter for three times and best of this was recorded. This was correlated with age, weight and height in both sexes. Results: PEFR increased with age, weight and height in both sexes.it was higher in boys when compare to girls. Correlation was best with height and so nomograms for PEFR based on the height were designed. Conclusion: Regional PEFR standard values need to be determine area wise. Larger studies needed to check the accuracy of PEFR –height nomogram design.