Asian Pacific Journal of Health Sciences
Yazarlar: Hakan Kamalak, Hicham Nuaimi
Anahtar Kelimeler:Amalgam,Multiple sclerosis,Nerve fibers,Lymphocytes
Özet: Amalgams is still used today as a restorative material. Due to mercury inside, amalgam used in restorative dental has always been the subject of debate. Studies have been performed on mercury in terms of nörotoksikoloji. However, the effects of mercury on the nervous system has not been clarified. Microleakage of mercury comes out of amalgam and this mercury can pass through the blood brain barrier. A portion of the authors in their study stated that microleakage of mercury can be tolerated; while others pointed out that microleakage of mercury can not be tolerated. However; mercury which penetrates the body is located in the etiology of diseases such as Alzheimer, chronic fatigue, and multiple sclerosis (MS). In this paper, it has been described that whether there is a relationship between MS and amalgam restorative materials.