Asian Pacific Journal of Health Sciences
Yazarlar: GRamesh, N. Ravinder Kumar, Manne Vishnu Vardhan
Anahtar Kelimeler:Bankart repair,Rowe score,Anterior shoulder dislocation
Özet: Aim: Descriptive, Retrospective and Prospective study of surgical and functional outcome following, arthroscopic repair of the Bankart lesion of the shoulder with suture anchors. Materials and Methods: This is a study of surgical and functional outcome of Arthroscopic Bankart Repair in recurrent anterior shoulder dislocation with suture anchors. Most patients are in the age group between 21-25 years. 90% of the patients were males 10% were females. 60% of the patients were involved in occupation of high demand. Majority of patients had symptoms for a period ranging from 1 to 2 years. 14 (70%) patients had their Right shoulder involved 6 (30%) patients had their left shoulder involved.10 patients (50%) patients had 1- 4 recurrent dislocation episodes preoperatively. Necessary radiological investigations and hematology have been done on admission. Details of the surgery will be noted. The immediate post-operative x-rays have been evaluated. The post-operative rehabilitation evaluation done at 3 weeks, 6 weeks, 12 weeks, 6 months and 1 year, for any recurrence of symptoms and morbidity. Results: In our study of 20 patients, with the mean follow up period of 12 months, the mean Rowe score post-operatively improved to 92.75 from a pre-operative mean score of 45.50, Out of 20 patients none had episodes of recurrent dislocation and anterior translation or apprehension, in the Range of motion-external rotation in 90º of abduction improved in 17 patients (85%). Mean pre operative Rowe score was 45.50. In 12 (60%) patients 3 suture anchors were used and in 8 (40%) patients 2 suture anchors used intra operatively. The mean post-operative Rowe score improved to 92.75. Range of movement – external rotation in 90º of abduction improved in 17 patients (85%). Conclusion: We conclude that Arthroscopic Bankart repair in recurrent anterior shoulder dislocation with suture anchors is an effective procedure with respect to shoulder function, rate of recurrence and range of movement.