Asian Pacific Journal of Health Sciences
Yazarlar: Sinan Aslan, Berna Bayır, Oztun Temelli, Maral Kargın
Anahtar Kelimeler:Radiotherapy,Radiation,Cancer,Health personnel,Nursing
Özet: Purpose: This study was conducted in order to examine the views of health personnel, who work in a university hospital, on radiotherapy. Material and Method: This study universe was consisted of health personnel that work in a university hospital and volunteered for the study. In the research data was collected with a survey form which was formed by the researcher as a result of literature search. Findings: When the opinions of workers of oncology clinic, workers who have cancer relatives and other personnel who was far from oncology disease, on the activity of radiotherapy were compared, it was determined that there is a significant difference between them and personnel who work in oncology service or have relatives that have cancer believe the activity of radiotherapy more (p<0, 05). However between same groups, when seeing radiotherapy as a treatment choice situation and views on radiotherapy’s harm on environment were compared, no significant meaningful difference was found (p>0,05). Result: As a result, it was determined that a significant difference was found between the views on radiotherapy of health personnel that provide service to oncological patient or have patient as a relative and the ones that who did not encounter or rarely encounter with this kind of patients. In addition, it was seen that personnel do not have adequate information about the harm of radiotherapy on environment.