Asian Pacific Journal of Health Sciences
Yazarlar: Isha Bansal, Isha Bansal, Deepak Singla, Nivesh Agrawal, Gaurav Thami, Isha Bansal, Gaurav Thami
Anahtar Kelimeler:Maternal,Fetal,Amniotic,Fluid,Oligohydramnios
Özet: Oligohydramnios is considered to be one of the most common complication diagnosed more frequently these days due to frequent usage of ultrasonography. Due to oligohydramnios , risk of intrapartum complications, perinatalmorbidity and mortality increases. The aims of this study are to study the maternal and fetal effects ofoligohydramnios, to evaluate the causesof oligohydramnios and to evaluate the perinatal morbidity andmortality.