Asian Pacific Journal of Health Sciences
Yazarlar: Eeshwar Rao Madishetti, Rajat Jain, Rajendra Prasad Pullela
Anahtar Kelimeler:Early ambulation,Inguinal hernia repair,Paravertebral block,Spinal anesthesia
Özet: Background: Inguinal hernia repair can be performed under satisfactory anesthetic conditions using general, regional, and peripheral nerve block anesthesia. Aims and Objectives: The aim of this study is to evaluate whether two-segment paravertebral block (PVB) can sustain as a viable alternative to unilateral spinal anesthesia (SA) as well by comparing the time to ambulation (primary outcome), duration of post-operative analgesia, and incidence of adverse events. Materials and Methods: We carried our study in 60 male patients, of the American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status I and II, aged 18–65 years, scheduled for a unilateral inguinal hernia repair procedure. The patients were divided randomly into two groups of 30 each. Experienced anesthesiologist gave unilateral SA and PVB, and the outcome measures of this study recorded were time to ambulation, time to first analgesic (duration of post-operative analgesia), total rescue analgesic consumption in the first 24-h period, and incidence of adverse events. Results: Demographic characteristics in both the groups were comparable. The time to ambulation in unilateral SA was significantly more prolonged (P < 0.001) than PVB. The time to the first analgesic in Group-P was significantly longer than PVB. Total rescue analgesic (IV tramadol) consumption in the first 24 h was significantly lower (P < 0.05) in Group-P in comparison to Group-S. Adverse events were fewer but not significant in Group-P than in Group-S. Conclusion: Two-segment PVB is a safe alternative to spinal anesthesia in unilateral inguinal hernia.
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