Asian Pacific Journal of Health Sciences
Yazarlar: R.Sreedevi, N.Rajakumar, A.Anbarasi
Anahtar Kelimeler:Donor safety,Double dose,Plateletpheresis
Özet: Background: Proper selection of donors with good predonation platelet count is essential for achieving the optimal platelet yield in single donor plateletpheresis. Double dose plateletpheresis procedures are commonly done nowadays to reduce the immunogenicity and cost of the product. Aim:The aim of this study was to assess the donor safety as this is an important area of concern in plateletpheresis. Methods: 65 plateletpheresis procedures were done with COBE Spectra continuous flow cell separator.Statistical analysis was done to find out whether there was significant difference between pre and post donation donor hematological values after single and double dose collection.Results: Average platelet yield achieved in single dose plateletpheresis was 3.4 + 0.28 X 1011 platelets per unit. Mean pre-and post-donation platelet counts were 273,000/μL and 209,000/μL respectively, mean Hb decreased slightly from 14.76 g/dL to 14.11 g/dL, mean red cell count was unchanged, whereas mean WBC counts dropped from 6543/μL to 6120/μL. Mean Hct decreased slightly from 44.7% to 44.2%, Double yield was collected in 21 procedures. Donors with preplatelet count >300,000/μl were subjected to double yield collection. Average yield achieved was 6.28 + 0.18 x 10 11 platelets. Mean post donation TPC was 167,000/μl, and no one had value <100,000/μl. WBC, RBC, HB, and HCT had similar trends as of single yield collection. Conclusion: Guidelines for high dose platelet collection should be individualized according to each transfusion medicine department’s policy and need with special concern to donor safety and product quality. Post donation hematological parameters should be monitored in all those donors who are undergoing regular and high dose plateletpheresis for donor safety and to maintain optimal donor pool for plateletpheresis. Keywords: , ,