Asian Pacific Journal of Health Sciences
Yazarlar: Ekta Melkani, Kiran Singh, Naaz Bano, Manju Mehta
Anahtar Kelimeler:Ergonomics,Hazard analysis,Innovation,Work profile,Workplace
Özet: The review study highlight the rigorous work profile of the workers in small scale industries and depict how the hazards caused to them in their daily life are affecting their health. Different hazards such as very severe pain in neck, head, shoulders, fingers, hands, and lower back were identified, always leading to various musculoskeletal disorders. A need to improve workstation and workplace environment to make it user friendly to workers is felt so the workers could be comfortable is highlighted in all the studies. The study has its focus majorly on the craft industries and presents the plight of the jewelers specially. Proper task analysis and work rest pattern are identified as useful to alleviate the mental fatigue and to improve work efficiency of the workers.