Asian Pacific Journal of Health Sciences

Asian Pacific Journal of Health Sciences

Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Academic Resilience of Adolescent

Yazarlar: Pooja, Khwairakpam Sharmila

Cilt 9 , Sayı 1 , 2022 , Sayfalar 237-239


Anahtar Kelimeler:Academic resilience,Adolescents,Emotional intelligences,Resilience

Özet: Adolescence is the time which is crucial for the overall development of a person both mentally and physically. In this period, along with academic intelligence, emotional intelligence (EI) also plays an equal or strong role in student life. Adolescence period is also characterized by diverse changes that take place which may be physiological, social, or emotional and inability to deal with these changes may lead to maladjustment and popping up of various psychological issues such as academic alienation. Adolescents should be made capable of handling their emotions effectively so as to develop the capability to deal with psycho-social problems. Thus, it is the need of the hour to develop EI and resilience among adolescents so that they can effectively deal with the psycho-social problem such as academic alienation. The present study was conducted on the Relationship between EI and academic resilience of adolescents. Thus, a sample of 150 adolescents was selected randomly from Lucknow city, Uttar Pradesh, India to conduct the study. Academic resilience scale by Kr. Mallik and Simranjit Kaur (2015) was used to assess the academic resilience of the adolescents. EI scale by team leadership toolkit leading across London based on Denial Goleman book EI (1995) was used to assess the EI of adolescents. The result of the study showed that there is a strong relationship between EI and academic resilience of adolescents

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@article{2022, title={Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Academic Resilience of Adolescent}, volume={9}, number={237–239}, publisher={Asian Pacific Journal of Health Sciences}, author={Pooja, Khwairakpam Sharmila}, year={2022} }
Pooja, Khwairakpam Sharmila. (2022). Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Academic Resilience of Adolescent (Vol. 9). Vol. 9. Asian Pacific Journal of Health Sciences.
Pooja, Khwairakpam Sharmila. Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Academic Resilience of Adolescent. no. 237–239, Asian Pacific Journal of Health Sciences, 2022.