International Journal of Language and Literary Studies
Yazarlar: Abdelmajid JAMIAI
Anahtar Kelimeler:Netiquettes,Face,O,Ace,Online communication,Relationships,Gender
Özet: Obviously, in the era of digital literacy, human relationships in virtual learning communities are governed by much social behaviour that many students in higher education respect in some time, while others are rebellious against them. The aim of this article is to investigate if there is a correlation between ‘netiquettes’, which are the guidelines that should be developed by Internet users for an acceptable online behavior, and to build human relationships in learning. It is a case study of one group in the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences in Moulay Ismail University in Meknes, Morocco. A questionnaire is used to measure the predicted relationship between netiquettes and relationship building. The sample includes fifty male and female respondents. The findings of the study indicate that there is a significant relationship between respecting netiquettes and building online relationships, set as a hypothesis for this study.