International Journal of Language and Literary Studies
Yazarlar: Winicel May Ancheta
Anahtar Kelimeler:Content area reading instruction,Reading,Content area teachers,Level of knowledge
Özet: The content area teachers' competencies were determined using a descriptive research methodology based on their level of knowledge of the nature of reading and content area reading instruction. Data were collected using the Assessment Tool on Teachers' Level of Knowledge of the Nature of Reading and Content Area Reading Instruction. To enhance the answers acquired from the survey questionnaire, unstructured interviews were used. Frequency count and mean were used to evaluate and interpret data gathered from teacher-respondents' level of knowledge of the nature of reading and content area reading instruction. Generally, the teacher-respondents were found to be moderately knowledgeable of the nature of reading and content area reading instruction. The common issues in content area reading instruction include teachers’ lack of knowledge and skills, insufficient number of content area reading instruction training activities available for teachers, and resistance to implement and integrate reading instruction and strategies.