Metabarcoding and Metagenomics

Metabarcoding and Metagenomics

Shifts in DNA yield and biological community composition in stored sediment: implications for paleogenomic studies

Yazarlar: Katie A. Brasell, Xavier Pochon, Jamie Howarth, John K. Pearman, Anastasija Zaiko, Lucy Thompson, Marcus J. Vandergoes, Kevin S. Simon, Susanna A. Wood

Cilt 6 , Sayı - , 2022 , Sayfalar e78128



Anahtar Kelimeler:Chilled storage droplet digital PCR extracellular DNA metabarcoding sedimentary DNA (sedDNA)

Özet: Lake sediments hold a wealth of information from past environments that is highly valuable for paleolimnological reconstructions. These studies increasingly apply modern molecular tools targeting sedimentary DNA (sedDNA). However, sediment core sampling can be logistically difficult, making immediate subsampling for sedDNA challenging. Sediment cores are often refrigerated (4 °C) for weeks or months before subsampling. We investigated the impact of storage time on changes in DNA (purified or as cell lysate) concentrations and shifts in biological communities following storage of lake surface sediment at 4 °C for up to 24 weeks. Sediment samples (~ 0.22 g, in triplicate per time point) were spiked with purified DNA (100 or 200 ng) or lysate from a brackish water cyanobacterium that produces the cyanotoxin nodularin or non-spiked. Samples were analysed every 1–4 weeks over a 24-week period. Droplet digital PCR showed no significant decrease in the target gene (nodularin synthetase – subunit F; ndaF) over the 24-week period for samples spiked with purified DNA, while copy number decreased by more than half in cell lysate-spiked samples. There was significant change over time in bacteria and eukaryotic community composition assessed using metabarcoding. Amongst bacteria, the cyanobacterial signal became negligible after 5 weeks while Proteobacteria increased. In the eukaryotic community, Cercozoa became dominant after 6 weeks. These data demonstrate that DNA yields and community composition data shift significantly when sediments are stored chilled for more than 5 weeks. This highlights the need for rapid subsampling and appropriate storage of sediment core samples for paleogenomic studies.

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@article{2022, title={Shifts in DNA yield and biological community composition in stored sediment: implications for paleogenomic studies}, volume={6}, number={e78128}, publisher={Metabarcoding and Metagenomics}, author={Katie A. Brasell, Xavier Pochon, Jamie Howarth, John K. Pearman, Anastasija Zaiko, Lucy Thompson, Marcus J. Vandergoes, Kevin S. Simon, Susanna A. Wood}, year={2022} }
Katie A. Brasell, Xavier Pochon, Jamie Howarth, John K. Pearman, Anastasija Zaiko, Lucy Thompson, Marcus J. Vandergoes, Kevin S. Simon, Susanna A. Wood. (2022). Shifts in DNA yield and biological community composition in stored sediment: implications for paleogenomic studies (Vol. 6). Vol. 6. Metabarcoding and Metagenomics.
Katie A. Brasell, Xavier Pochon, Jamie Howarth, John K. Pearman, Anastasija Zaiko, Lucy Thompson, Marcus J. Vandergoes, Kevin S. Simon, Susanna A. Wood. Shifts in DNA Yield and Biological Community Composition in Stored Sediment: Implications for Paleogenomic Studies. no. e78128, Metabarcoding and Metagenomics, 2022.