![Sketch: Journal of City and Regional Planning](https://asosindex.com.tr/dergi-img/726sjcrp.png)
Sketch: Journal of City and Regional Planning
Yazarlar: Hasan Basri Kartal, Mehmet Emin Şalgamcıoğlu
Anahtar Kelimeler:Architectural Space,Anthropology,Architectural Anthropology,Human,Space,Culture
Özet: As an interdisciplinary approach, architectural anthropology emerged after post-colonial studies to deal with the relationship of cultural forms with ethnicity. Anthropological approaches have been blended with architectural methods and perspectives, and the main discussion has been the impact of ethnic origin and culture on architectural formation. However, it is not clear where the boundaries of architectural anthropology begin or end. This study demonstrates that architectural anthropology organizes the field of knowledge by using the approaches and methods of anthropology and architecture together. The primary method of the paper is based on qualitative research and theoretical reading. The paper was written to fill the gap in literature, including 'architectural anthropology' centred theoretical approaches written in Turkish.