Journal of Old Turkic Studies

Journal of Old Turkic Studies

Dede Korkut’taki Demir Gücü Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme

Yazarlar: Dursun Can EYÜBOĞLU

Cilt 6 , Sayı 1 , 2022 , Sayfalar 39 - 53

Konular:Edebiyat, Folklor, Kültürel Çalışmalar


Anahtar Kelimeler:Dädä Qorqut,Salur Qazan,Qaracuq Čoban,Dämir Gücüu,Qıyan Gücü

Özet: Epics are related to both history and literature. Turks have a rich epic tradition. Dädä Qorqut epics have an important place in Turkic culture. They have important information about Turkic history, geography, language, literature, culture and art. Many personal name occurred in Dädä Qorqut narratives. One of them is Qaracuq Čoban’s brother named Dämir Gücü. His name is mentioned in a story in the Book of Dädä Qorqut. Qaracuq Čoban has a strong and brave personality. Qıyan Gücü and Dämir Gücü have stood by their brothers and fought heroically against the enemy army. There is an exemplary devotion between Qaracuq Čoban and his brothers. In this article, the name and family of Dämir Gücü is examined.

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@article{2022, title={Dede Korkut’taki Demir Gücü Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme}, volume={6}, number={39–53}, publisher={Journal of Old Turkic Studies}, author={Dursun Can EYÜBOĞLU}, year={2022} }
Dursun Can EYÜBOĞLU. (2022). Dede Korkut’taki Demir Gücü Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme (Vol. 6). Vol. 6. Journal of Old Turkic Studies.
Dursun Can EYÜBOĞLU. Dede Korkut’taki Demir Gücü Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme. no. 39–53, Journal of Old Turkic Studies, 2022.