Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Social Sciences Study
Yazarlar: Menh Lueng Pha, Phoung Qu Lhe
Anahtar Kelimeler:Korean Drama,Youth,Culture
Özet: This article discusses the point of view of spreading the culture and habits of young people through Korean Drama films. In this case, the dissemination of culture and habits of young people through Korean drama films is very rapid so that it affects the dress code, behavior, language and several other aspects. This has a positive and negative impact on a country. As a positive thing that is raised is the increase in knowledge and insight of teenagers, the existence of a new culture that can increase youth creativity. But apart from that, there are also negative impacts for adolescents, namely the existence of a gradual shift in culture so that adolescents will forget their own culture. In addition, the standard of beauty / good looks of society will increase, causing many things that are forced by teenagers so that they can look like Korean artists.