Journal of Mathematics and Statistics Studies

Journal of Mathematics and Statistics Studies

The Historical Background of a Famous Indeterminate Problem and Some Teaching Perspectives

Yazarlar: Ioannis Rizos, Nikolaos Gkrekas

Cilt 3 , Sayı 1 , 2022 , Sayfalar 01-08



Anahtar Kelimeler:The hundred fowls problem,Ndeterminate Analysis,Iophantine equations,Istory of Mathematics,Athematics Education

Özet: The well-known from the History of Mathematics “hundred fowls problem” is the topic of this paper. Our main aim is to analyze the historical background of the problem and to present some ways of solving it, which have different characteristics, and each one represents a particular strategy. The interaction of Eastern and Western mathematics and the combination of different fields like Algebra and Technology in order to solve the problem has been highlighted. The study of the specific topic revealed some teaching perspectives, which we note at the end together with some concluding remarks. This paper might have implications in future research in the field of indeterminate analysis but also in Mathematics Education.

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@article{2022, title={The Historical Background of a Famous Indeterminate Problem and Some Teaching Perspectives}, volume={3}, number={01–08}, publisher={Journal of Mathematics and Statistics Studies}, author={Ioannis Rizos,Nikolaos Gkrekas}, year={2022} }
Ioannis Rizos,Nikolaos Gkrekas. (2022). The Historical Background of a Famous Indeterminate Problem and Some Teaching Perspectives (Vol. 3). Vol. 3. Journal of Mathematics and Statistics Studies.
Ioannis Rizos,Nikolaos Gkrekas. The Historical Background of a Famous Indeterminate Problem and Some Teaching Perspectives. no. 01–08, Journal of Mathematics and Statistics Studies, 2022.