Aksaray İletişim Dergisi
Yazarlar: Zühal FİDAN
Anahtar Kelimeler:Politics,Political Communication,Doctoral Dissertations
Özet: Political communication, which emerges from the close ties of politics and communication, has become an indispensable concept for political candidates and political parties. The methods and tools used by political communication offer ways to reach voters for political candidates and parties in the electoral period. Any candidate or political party desiring to come to power through elections aims to get one step closer to this goal by using political communication techniques. Electoral periods are indispensable for democracy and each part takes advantage of political communication campaigns and propaganda activities to effect election results in one's favour. Political actors change preferences of voters through political communication activities and desire them to continue to be on their side. At this point, doctoral dissertations, which examining scientifically political communication studies, become more of an issue. Research subject is to reveal how political communication is examined in doctoral dissertations. In this study, 28 doctoral theses completed between 1994-2019 and obtained from Council of Higher Education Thesis Center with the keyword “political communication” were examined. Research was made by using content analyses technique which is one of the quantitative research methods and data were collected through created categories. In the light of these categories, the universities and the departments where the theses were prepared, the subject on which they were written, the years they were prepared, research methods and data collection techniques were evaluated. Dissertations reached with the keyword political communication provide an overview of the field and related studies