Aksaray İletişim Dergisi
Yazarlar: İpek SUCU
Anahtar Kelimeler:Panopticon,Synopticon,Observing Society,Consumption,Agenda Building
Özet: The phenomenon of surveillance has always existed in human history as an important form of control. With the emergence of modern states, the form of surveillance practices has changed, and everyday life has become easier to follow with developing technological devices. Surveillance activities have reached the highest level with the informatics revolution. Today's societies have been called surveillance societies and efforts have been made to draw attention to increased surveillance activities. Watched individuals have now become watchers. This shows that the Synoptikon understanding, which is surveillance behavior with cameras from multiple centers, has started to prevail instead of Panoptikon nlay, which is surveillance behavior from a single center. The multiple surveillance brought by the Synoptikon approach brings the shaping of consumption habits and the agenda through the media. Surveillance society has caused the program contents and new habits to turn into a consumption medium. It creates a simulation world of the transition from the watched society to the watchful society. The changes brought by this world and the counter-utopian world that these changes are expected to bring in the future will be discussed through the movie “The Truman Show”.
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